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It all started with Worms at Reid’s Place.
Feb 22

It all started with Worms at Reid’s Place.

Who would have thought worms would have shaped Reid’s Place into the beautiful wedding and high tea venue that we love here on Redcliffe Peninsula?

Reid’s Place Camellia Cottage B&B, Wedding and High Tea Gardens owe its very existence to earth worms.

It was in the early 1980’s Rob and Beth Reid started a little business called Earthworm Composting Systems.

To prove how efficient these little fellows were at composting, they set about to make the garden so impressive, people would buy the worms.

It wasn’t the most lucrative of cottage industries, however, Rob and Beth are passionate gardeners and loved every minute they spent in their Scarborough gardens.

But instead of worm customers driving up to our residence on Scarborough Road most weekends, a limousine or wedding car would pull up and bridal parties would stand in the gardens for photos.

As you can imagine they were a bit chuffed that anyone would think it nice enough for photos.

In 1995, an engaged couple knocked on their front door and begged to let them have their wedding ceremony in the gardens.  The rest as they say, is history.

For over 20 years Reid’s Place has provided a beautiful garden wedding chapel and reception venue, Cameliia Cottage B&B hospitality and now private High Tea party’s in Scarborough, Redcliffe Peninsula.

We deliver on the “Circle of Life.” It never ceases to amaze Beth and Rob how many people start a conversation with: “my parents were married at Reid’s Place or my best friend had her baby shower high tea party a Reid’s Place.”   We get a real buzz from seeing family and friends return to Reid’s Place time and time again to celebrate special family occasions and milestone moments.

Location, location, location. People are curious about our venue. People perhaps may feel uncertain.  Others like Reid’s Place as its unexpected – a hidden suburban gem in Scarborough on Redcliffe Peninsula.

Regardless of peoples predetermined thoughts and expectations, after inspecting Reid’s Place for their special occasion, they are impressed, reassured and say “wow!”  They feel like they have found their secret place.  They have found a place of unexpected difference and beauty in our garden venue.

So, if it wasn’t for those earth worms all those years ago who certainly played their part in creating colourful and fragrant gardens, Reid’s Place wouldn’t be a pretty, boutique garden wedding and high tea venue and relaxing B&B experience!

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